Bad Boy Diesel Mower doesn’t go straight

Hi Guys,

I bought a Bad Boy Mower last autumn, and it is generaly working fine, I mean cutting, but it doesn’t drive straight. Actually I think it never did. Spring is coming and I will need to use it again, and by now I am thinking of purchasing sth else, as it is really uncomfortale to drive that thing that never goes straight. Anyone with similar problem? How to solve it?
Thanks in advance

Hi Jeff,
If your mower doesn’t go straight you should simply give it back, and I believe in this case they will provide you with the same model just new mower. If you bought it last year it is still under warranty (standard 2 years) and you will get a new one without a problem. That is what I would do instead of spending another few thousands on a new one that may also be not a perfect one.